4歲寶寶吃冰淇淋後開始流鼻涕後來嘔吐怎麼辦你這種情況可能是感冒引起的,需要口服感冒藥、抗生素、抗過敏、抗病毒等藥物治療。平時需要加強運動、增強體質。禁吃辛辣酒、生冷等刺激性食物。FAQ pediatric 內科One minute to read
6歲女童輸尿管逆流治療方式對於一位6歲的女童,若經診斷確認患有輸尿管逆流及尿路感染,可以考慮透過宮腔鏡下的COOK導絲復通術或輸卵管部分切除再吻合術來治療輸卵管的間質部及峽部。FAQ pediatric surgeryOne minute to read
7歲女童晚上抽搐牙關緊咬,是癲癇嗎?A 7-year-old girl experienced sudden limb convulsions and clenched teeth during the night. Is this epilepsy?FAQ pediatric neurology seizure epilepsy child healthOne minute to read
Three-Month-Old Baby Sucking on Their Hand: What Should I Do?For a three-month-old baby who constantly sucks on their hand, it is important to ensure a balanced diet, adequate rest, and good hygiene. Regular hand washing for the child is also recommended.FAQ pediatric neurologyOne minute to read
八個月大的寶寶老發燒怎麼處理?6個月大的寶寶不能抬頭,會翻身,食慾也正常,基本沒什麼異常,但是有時候會發抖,請問八個月大的寶寶老發燒怎麼處理?FAQ pediatric feverOne minute to read