How to Treat Yellow Earwax in Children with Middle Ear Infection

Middle ear infection in children can lead to yellow earwax, accompanied by symptoms such as pain, yellow fluid discharge, headache, and fever. Recommended treatments include the use of antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medication, local therapy, painkillers, and antipyretics. In severe cases, surgical treatment may be necessary. During the treatment process, it is important to keep the child warm and avoid catching a cold to worsen the condition.
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How to Treat Yellow Earwax in Children with Middle Ear Infection for the Best Effect?

The parents of a 3-year-old girl consult on how to effectively treat their child’s symptoms of itchy and painful ears, yellow earwax, and occasional low-grade fever. It is recommended to use appropriate antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications under a doctor’s guidance, along with regional anti-inflammatory treatments and symptom relief methods. Pay attention to the child’s rest and nutritional intake.
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