What to Do If a Child Gets a Burn on Their Foot?

Today, while I was at home watching my child, the child said they were hungry, so I made them some food. Afterward, I heard the child crying, and it turned out they had spilled boiling water on their foot. I rinsed the child’s foot with cold water. Later, blisters formed on the child’s foot. What should you do if a child gets a burn on their foot?
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What to Do If Resin Drops on a Wound?

Accidentally dropping resin on a wound can cause burns or exacerbate inflammation. Pay attention to any changes in the wound and seek medical attention promptly if there are any. If the resin is corrosive, it may cause a burning sensation and require pain medication for treatment.
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What to Do If You’re Bitten by a Horse on the Thigh?

Nine days ago, the inner side of my left thigh was bitten by a horse, but there was no skin breakage through the clothing. The doctor at the emergency clinic in the UK said there was no skin breakage and treated it as a common closed wound. I was worried about whether I needed to get serum injections. Upon returning home, the doctor asked if I had received a rabies vaccine. The wound has now healed with a slight itching sensation, and I have been taking anti-inflammatory shots for a week.
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