How to Diagnose Myelination

A patient suddenly fainted while lying in bed awake on the morning of March 16, 2012, and regained consciousness a few minutes later, experiencing urinary incontinence. Before this, the patient had a cold, nasal congestion, and difficulty breathing while sleeping. An EEG showed no abnormalities. A CT and MRI revealed punctate slightly elongated T1 and T2 signal foci in the white matter of the right frontal lobe, with slightly higher signals on the T2 FLAIR. The occipital cistern was enlarged. The patient later developed a high fever and mild twitching but no other symptoms. On October 3, 2012, follow-up CT and MRI scans showed: symmetrical shape of both cerebral hemispheres, clear demarcation between gray and white matter. The patient reported seeing double vision on December 7, 2012. Is this myelination? Previous treatment and outcomes: No treatment, just follow-up checks. Seeking assistance: Is this myelination? How can it be diagnosed?
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