Questions About Taking Antibiotics After Receiving the Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine

After a child received the Japanese encephalitis vaccine, they experienced ear pain at night, along with similar symptoms when they had a fever in the past. After taking third-generation ceftriaxone, the pain improved during sleep. The body temperature remained at 38.7 degrees after vaccination, with one fever episode each in the day and night. I would like to inquire if the following assistance is appropriate: Will taking antibiotics affect the vaccine’s effectiveness? Does the child still need to continue medication in this condition?
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Reactions and Their Management After Hepatitis B Vaccine Injection

After a child receives the Hepatitis B vaccine, a low fever reaction may occur. Parents should not be overly anxious. Generally, a body temperature below 37 degrees is normal. If it exceeds 37 degrees, it is appropriate to give more water and milk. If the fever exceeds 38 degrees, fever-reducing measures should be taken. For the causes of pediatric liver disease, parents should cooperate with the doctor for treatment and pay attention to their child’s dietary habits.
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Reasons for Vomiting After Hepatitis B Vaccine and Improvement Methods

After a baby receives the Hepatitis B vaccine at one month old, symptoms such as vomiting, forceful spitting up, and restless sleep may occur. This could be due to indigestion caused by catching a cold. It is recommended to take Simmered Four Herbs decoction along with Children’s Chicken Gizzard Powder for adjustment. Additionally, it is important to pay attention to proper feeding, avoid picky eating, and maintain good hygiene habits.
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