During a 25-week ultrasound examination, it was found that the lateral ventricles of the fetus exceed 1.0cm, raising concerns about fetal hydrocephalus. This article discusses how to confirm the diagnosis and provides suggestions for further examinations.
At 13 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound examination indicates a possible cystic hygroma. To further confirm if the fetus has chromosomal issues, it is recommended to undergo amniocentesis or non-invasive DNA testing.
Newborn jaundice is common, categorized into pathological and physiological types, requiring treatment or observation based on the situation.
Is 3D/4D ultrasound examination harmful to child health?
A single umbilical artery is one of the markers of fetal abnormal development, but it does not necessarily mean the fetus has a problem. Most fetuses with a single umbilical artery are healthy after birth.
Analysis of gastric ultrasound results and diagnostic and treatment suggestions for related diseases
A child needs to fast for more than three hours before an ultrasound of the gallbladder to ensure the gallbladder is full, making it easier for the examination.
Understanding the Appropriate Number and Stages of Ultrasound Exams During Pregnancy
Liver hemangioma is a benign tumor that typically does not require special treatment. For smaller liver hemangiomas, regular observation and ultrasound examinations can be conducted.
Should a newborn with blue lips undergo an ultrasound examination, and what are the potential effects on the newborn?