Will a Two-Month-Old Baby’s Reduced Appetite and Increased Sleep Affect Development?

The baby is two and a half months old, has a reduced appetite, and defecates only every four days. Parents are worried that the baby might not be eating enough, which could affect development. The answer points out that babies will give hunger signals, so a two-and-a-half-month-old baby will not go hungry. However, if the baby eats too little, it may be due to weak spleen and stomach and poor digestion, which may lead to a lack of appetite and reduced intake. This requires the mother to adjust the baby’s gastrointestinal health. If the baby defecates only every four days, pay attention to the condition of the stool. If the stool is neither runny nor hard, it indicates a reduced appetite and requires gastrointestinal adjustment; if the stool is hard, it may be constipation, and more water should be consumed.
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