The traditional Chinese medical treatment for allergic purpura is based on clinical symptom differentiation and treatment, commonly using herbs such as compound rutin, calcium supplements, and vitamin C.
Can babies with nasal congestion be treated with traditional Chinese medicine containing ingredients like cow gallbladder and whole scorpions?
A five-year-old child frequently experiences bedwetting and wants to undergo treatment using traditional Chinese medicine.
How does traditional Chinese medicine treat pediatric cerebral palsy?
Explore professional advice on the treatment methods and whether glasses are needed for an 8-year-old child with myopia of 300 and 270 degrees.
How to differentiate between physiological and pathological neonatal jaundice and provide appropriate feeding suggestions?
How can pediatric adenoid hypertrophy be treated with traditional Chinese medicine?
Offering traditional Chinese medicine treatment suggestions for pediatric bronchitis pneumonia
Dealing with a child’s crying and loss of appetite, how can traditional Chinese medicine help treat pediatric enuresis?
Parents of children with epilepsy seek traditional Chinese medicine treatment to control the condition