Early detection, diagnosis, and treatment are crucial for the management of pediatric cerebral palsy. All treatment methods require comprehensive rehabilitation training, and traditional Chinese medicine in conjunction may be the most effective approach.
This article discusses the appropriateness and safety considerations of using Compound Bok Choy Extract Tablets in children.
Cooking with honey and oranges, as well as adding snake gall powder to honey water, are two traditional Chinese medicine methods for treating cough without using Western medicine.
No Significant Growth After 6 Years Old, Seeking Effective Height Increase Methods
Which hospital in Beijing specializes in treating tic disorders?
Discussing how to find the best traditional Chinese medicine hospital for treating pediatric cerebral palsy.
A seven-month-old baby has been found with a red tip on their tongue. The parents are inquiring if this is related to heart fire and seeking traditional Chinese medicine treatment methods.
Treatment Suggestions for Wind-Cold Cough
A patient inquires about medication options for a thick, yellow tongue coating, as well as issues related to weak constitution and Qi deficiency.
When a child has a persistent cough, it might be due to wind-cold syndrome. Treatment can include the use of San Nao Decoction and drugs to reduce gas and resolve phlegm, along with the recommendation of taking Azithromycin or Cefixime granules for anti-inflammatory therapy. Be sure to drink plenty of water and avoid spicy and irritating foods.