Explore the effectiveness of acupuncture treatment starting on the third day after the onset of facial palsy, as well as its application in relaxing meridians, promoting blood circulation, and removing blood stasis.
An Gong Ni Huang Wan can be used for convulsive symptoms, but attention should be paid to dietary adjustments.
Your condition might be caused by ‘up fire,’ indicating an imbalance in the internal organs and Qi and blood regulation within the body. It’s not a severe illness. It’s recommended to treat with Qingwei Powder with adjustments.
Facial paralysis may be caused by exposure to wind while out drinking beer at night. During deep sleep, the entire body’s muscles and pores relax. If exposed to cold stimulation, the regional blood vessels of the nutritive nerves may constrict, leading to brain edema and pressure on the nerve tissue, thereby causing facial paralysis. Doctors recommend immediate acupuncture treatment. Does massage therapy benefit the treatment of facial paralysis?
A bluish complexion in a one-month-old baby may indicate convulsions. It is important to ensure they receive adequate blood nourishment and avoid any form of shock or fright.
When a baby has a cold and cough, using external Chinese medicine plasters may have some effect, but it’s best to combine them with oral medications for better treatment outcomes.
A seven-month-old girl weighing 12.4 pounds often sweats and cries, and has some calcium and iron deficiencies. Her diet and excretion are normal, but she hasn’t had a pimple in the past month. Is this a normal phenomenon?
If a child has diarrhea after taking traditional Chinese medicine, it might be a symptom of weakened spleen and stomach, which can be regulated with prepared Chinese medicine.
The child has been coughing for two weeks, traditional Chinese medicine has been ineffective, seeking advice.
Discuss whether the occurrence of night sweats in a four-year-old girl is related to precocious puberty, and provide professional advice.