Seeking treatment methods for infantile convulsions, exploring the possibility of combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine
Exploring the Treatment and Cure Possibilities of Epilepsy
A friend suddenly developed facial paralysis, worried about the possibility of contagion and inquired about the feasibility of traditional Chinese medicine treatment.
Patients with facial paralysis can take a sauna, but the therapeutic effect may not be significant, and it should be combined with acupuncture and medication treatment.
Discuss the possibility of using traditional Chinese medicine to alleviate high intraocular pressure and related symptoms in glaucoma patients, and consider the potential of combining Western and Chinese medicine treatments.
Patients with hydrocephalus inquire about the possibility of non-surgical treatment and the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine therapy.
Myopia in children can be corrected with the acupuncture therapy using the plum blossom needles.
Optic nerve atrophy can be treated and controlled through traditional Chinese medicine methods. It is recommended to take oral Chinese medicine for nourishing the liver and improving vision, combined with improve blood circulation (Chinese medicine) fluids, acupuncture, and drug iontophoresis for comprehensive treatment, to enhance the activity of the optic nerve and appropriately reduce vision.
Is it possible to completely cure pediatric asthma through long-term treatment?
After the baby was born prematurely, strange symptoms appeared. The doctor diagnosed it as pediatric cerebral palsy, and the parents inquired about the possibility of treatment.