How Effective is the Treatment for Pediatric Tonsillitis?

Currently, the primary treatment for pediatric tonsillitis involves antibiotic medications, which can be selected based on bacterial culture to target sensitive strains, with good results. Additionally, regional irrigation or spraying, injection of symptomatic medications, and other treatment methods can be employed. If a child repeatedly experiences tonsillitis, surgical treatment may be considered. It is also important to maintain good dietary hygiene and ensure sufficient rest during the treatment period.
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How Long Does a Course of Longmu Zhuanggu Chongji Last?

Children often suffer from tonsillitis, leading to high fever and excessive sweating during naps, easily waking up startled. Currently taking zinc gluconate and Longmu Zhuanggu Chongji, inquiring about the treatment duration and effectiveness. Want to know if zinc and calcium supplementation is effective, as well as the general course of Longmu Zhuanggu Chongji.
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