Advice on whether a child with tonsillitis and high fever needs intravenous fluids
Advice on whether a child with tonsillitis needs hospitalization treatment
A child, shortly after birth, has been scratching their ears. Should an enlarged tonsil be treated with antibiotics?
Analyzes the indications and effects of adenoidectomy on the body.
Exploring the duration of treatment for tonsillitis in children after IV treatment and whether additional IV and medication are needed.
What symptoms might appear when a child has tonsillitis? What kind of food can help in recovery?
Provide dietary adjustment suggestions for the possible high fever symptoms caused by pediatric tonsillitis.
Does surgical treatment for tonsillitis in girls affect the vocal cords? Doctor’s recommendations and medication treatment.
Does tonsillitis affect a child’s spleen and stomach? How should it be handled?
Concerns about the impact of tonsillitis with purulent fever during pregnancy on the fetus.