Type 3 Biliary Atresia Symptoms?

Type 3 biliary atresia often accompanies infectious symptoms, which may lead to obstructive jaundice and ultimately cause liver cirrhosis. Early surgical treatment is crucial for the child’s recovery, and precautions should be taken to avoid wound infection and ensure adequate nutrition intake to promote overall health.
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Unimproved Condition Post Congenital Pyloric Stenosis Surgery: Where to Seek Treatment?

A baby born in October 2005 with congenital pyloric stenosis experienced frequent vomiting and even regurgitation from the nose and mouth. Despite undergoing a pyloric stenosis surgery at the Huangshan Hospital at two and a half months old, the symptoms were only temporarily relieved. Months later, the symptoms recurred, though less frequently. After multiple follow-up visits, doctors indicated that the condition might improve with age. However, over the past five plus years, the condition has not improved and has shown a worsening trend. Parents are seeking information on whether they can be referred to the Affiliated Children’s Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine in Hangzhou, and inquiring about the possibility of inpatient treatment.
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