Can Children’s Bow Legs Be Alleviated?

The other day, when I was shopping with my child, a friend suddenly said that my child walked with a bit of an O-shaped leg, looking particularly abnormal. Upon closer inspection, I found that it was indeed the case. The doctor said it was rickets after checking. I would like to ask the doctor, can children’s rickets be cured? Rickets in normal children is caused by calcium deficiency before the age of two. After the age of two, a child’s size is basically set, making it difficult to treat. Before the age of two, if a child is found to be deficient in calcium, it can be improved by supplementing calcium and injecting vitamin D3 to promote calcium absorption. This can improve the symptoms of the disease. The child is 6 years old, and this condition cannot be corrected very well. Wishing your baby good health.
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Can Infant Bile Duct Obstruction Be Cured?

Infant bile duct obstruction is treatable, and early treatment yields better results. There is a possibility of repair if the liver function has not been severely damaged. Active treatment should be pursued based on the changes in the condition.
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