How to Handle Parotid Fistula Surgery?

Congenital parotid fistula is a condition requiring surgical treatment, and it is recommended that children undergo surgery at a more suitable age. However, if regional infection occurs, immediate treatment should be sought to prevent the spread of infection.
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How to Handle Recurrence of Preauricular Sinus Surgery?

If you have a preauricular sinus infection without symptoms, no treatment is needed. If there is infection and inflammation, antibiotic treatment or incision and drainage of abscesses, regional dressing changes, and other treatments should be administered. After the infection is suppressed and regional recovery is achieved, the sinus resection surgery can be performed. Some methylene blue is infused into the sinus before surgery, and a probe is inserted into the lumen as a guide. Then, the sinus or its branches are completely removed in one operation. If part of the sinus remains infected and surgery is required again, it becomes very difficult.
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