If your baby has the habit of sleeping with the breast in their mouth, you can try using a bottle or other soothing methods to break the habit. Here’s some advice from fellow mothers who have experienced similar situations.
How to help a mixed-fed baby break the habit of falling asleep with a nipple?
My child is 18 months old and always needs to be held and shaken to fall asleep. How can I improve this situation?
Explore how to help a three-month-old baby break the habit of using a pacifier, and provide feasible methods and suggestions.
How to Establish Good Sleep Habits for Babies Who Always Want to Sleep in Your Arms?
How to Help a 9-Month-Old Baby Break the Habit of Falling Asleep While Breastfeeding?
Explore the issue of children being full of energy at night and having reversed sleep habits, and provide suggestions for adjusting the biological clock.
How to Improve the Issue of a Newborn’s Nighttime Crying?
A 1-year-old baby often wakes up at night and needs to be rocked to fall back asleep, and parents seek methods to improve the baby’s sleep quality.
Provide some methods to help babies reduce the habit of always sleeping on one side.