What to Do When a Two-Year-Old Baby Doesn’t Sleep at Night

A child’s inability to sleep at night may be related to various factors, including nervous and mental excitement, parasitic infections, calcium deficiency, and excessive stimulation before bedtime. Parents should pay attention to observing these issues in their children and seek professional medical advice when problems are identified. Additionally, parents should avoid exposing their children to overly stimulating TV shows or other activities before bed to ensure they get a good rest.
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What to Do When You Suddenly Wake Up at Night and Wander Around Like a Sleepwalker?

Children may suddenly get up from their afternoon naps, appearing to sleepwalk. Pay attention to their care, and consider giving them a calcium supplement. Maintain a quiet environment during deep sleep to avoid startling them, and avoid excessive play during the day. Keep the room quiet half an hour before bedtime, drink a cup of warm milk, and give them some children’s Qijian Dan as well, ensuring calcium is digested continuously.
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