Can a Child with Sinusitis Undergo International 3A Circumcision Surgery?

A child has had sinusitis for several years, with symptoms including runny nose, eye itching, and nasal congestion. A sinus CT scan and nasal endoscopy may be required for diagnosis. Nasal drops containing 1% ephedrine can improve drainage, and symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication can be administered via intravenous injection and oral treatment with Huo Dan Wan. It is also important to strengthen physical exercise to enhance the immune system and prevent colds. It is recommended to seek medical attention promptly and follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment. Regular exercise and attention to preventing heat should be maintained to help the child recover quickly.
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Causes of morning dizziness in children

A 7-year-old child with morning dizziness, difficulty walking, and vomiting has a history of a similar condition with no known cause. A blood test and nasal radiographs are recommended to confirm the cause of the condition and provide targeted treatment.
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Does a Head-Shaking Circulation Flu Lead to Sinusitis? The Child Starts Shaking His Head After IV Treatment, Then Changes to Head-Shaking Circulation - What Kind of Assistance Is Needed?

A child exhibits symptoms of head-shaking and circular head movement after a cold, which may be related to sinusitis caused by influenza. After intravenous treatment, the symptoms change to head-shaking circulation. Inquiry about the possibility of neurological involvement and whether an EEG can provide clues.
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How to Treat a 7-Year-Old Child with Sinusitis and Adenoid Hypertrophy?

The child has had sinusitis with adenoid hypertrophy for two years, with only mild improvement from the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and nasal drops. Recently, snoring during sleep has been observed, and symptoms have improved in the latter half of the night. Parents are concerned about the impact of surgery on the child’s immunity. Seeking professional advice and appropriate treatment suggestions.
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