How Much Does Newborn Disease Screening Cost?

After birth, newborn disease screening can be conducted to determine if there are any diseases present. Within 3 to 5 days after birth, thyroid function and phenylketonuria can be checked by collecting blood from the heel. These two tests may be half-price in some areas, costing around 50 to 200 yuan, while other tests require additional fees. The specific price depends on which packages are being checked, and it is recommended to consult your local hospital for more information.
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How to Conduct Newborn Disease Screening?

My child needs to undergo a medical examination. How is newborn disease screening conducted? Can you explain it in detail? Hello. Newborn heel prick blood test is a mandatory screening program and a means to detect related congenital diseases. Currently, our country mainly screens for congenital hypothyroidism and phenylketonuria. The heel prick blood is part of peripheral blood, making the blood collection relatively convenient. This has nothing to do with the exam results. Generally speaking, the exam results will be announced about a month later. If there are any abnormalities, further examination and clear diagnosis are required.
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