8-Month-Old Baby Experiences Abdominal Distension, Cough, and Runny Nose with Nausea

An 8-month-old baby is experiencing symptoms of abdominal distension, coughing, and a runny nose, accompanied by nausea. The abdominal distension has been present for three days, possibly due to overeating. The cough has been ongoing for 20 days, and hospital checks have not revealed any abnormalities. The use of lung-clearing syrup has been ineffective.
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Baby Coughing and Runny Nose, Fever Over 39 Degrees Last Night - What to Do?

The baby started coughing and had a runny nose last night, with a fever over 39 degrees. The hands and feet were cold. This morning, the temperature was 38.6 degrees, rising to over 39 degrees in the afternoon. Although ibuprofen was taken orally, the effect was not significant. There was a head injury last night. Is the fever related to the injury? How should it be handled?
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