What Does Rickets Lack?

Rickets is caused by a deficiency of active vitamin D, leading to calcium absorption disorders. Early symptoms include poor sleep quality, excessive sweating, night terrors, and hair loss on the pillow. If vitamin D is not supplemented in time, bone abnormalities may occur with age growth.
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What Factors Lead to Rickets?

Rickets is caused by a calcium deficiency, leading to abnormal bone development and causing discomfort. It is recommended to undergo calcium supplementation treatment and follow the doctor’s instructions.
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What is Rickets in Children?

Rickets is a disease primarily caused by a deficiency of vitamin D, and its main manifestations include square head, pigeon chest, and X or O-shaped legs. Treatment mainly involves timely supplementation of vitamin D, and it is important to engage in outdoor activities, get plenty of sunlight, which helps the skin synthesize vitamin D and promote calcium absorption. It is also essential to enhance feeding to ensure an adequate intake of nutrients and maintain a balanced diet.
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What is Rickets in Children?

Rickets is primarily caused by calcium deficiency, leading to changes in the skeletal system such as square head, costochondral beading, outward curvature of ribs, and conditions like genu varum or genu valgum, as well as pigeon chest.
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What is Rickets?

Rickets is a condition caused by a lack of calcium, leading to abnormal bone development. Early treatment is crucial to prevent affecting future bone growth and development.
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What is the Alkaline Phosphatase Level?

My daughter is 10 years old, and her alkaline phosphatase level is 230. Other indicators are basically within the normal range. Is there any problem? Please advise, thank you!
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