How to Treat Rickets in a 5-Year-Old Child?

Question about the treatment of rickets in a child: After supplementing with calcium and fish oil, there are concerns about poor absorption, and later symptoms of rickets appeared. Currently, fish oil and calcium supplements are being taken regularly, and advice or improvement methods are requested.
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How to Treat Rickets in a One-Month-Old Baby?

Rickets is caused by a deficiency of vitamin D and calcium, which can lead to skeletal deformities in severe cases. Treatment involves taking oral vitamin D supplements and calcium supplementation. For mild cases, dietary adjustments and vitamin D supplements are typically recommended. In more severe cases, vitamin D injections may be necessary. Adequate calcium intake is also essential, which can be achieved through food or supplements. However, there is currently no effective treatment for established skeletal deformities. Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment are crucial.
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How to Treat Rickets Shown on the Lab Test

Rickets is a vitamin D deficiency disease that often occurs during infancy and can be treated. Parents must take their children for timely medical consultation and treatment, and monitor the condition to help their child receive timely treatment for the disease.
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