After the Full Moon, Babies Rarely Sleep During the Day and Night Sleep Time is Less Than Ten Hours

Babies rarely sleep during the day and their night sleep time is less than ten hours, accompanied by crying and restlessness, with restless sleep and half-closed eyes. Online experts suggest it may be due to calcium deficiency, but hospital tests show no calcium deficiency. Can such a young child still be supplemented with calcium? What methods can be used to solve this? The situation is urgent, thank you.
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Are the Calcium and Alkaline Phosphatase in the Blood Test for Trace Elements the Same?

A one-and-a-half-month-old baby is experiencing nape baldness and milk regurgitation, and someone suggested it might be due to calcium deficiency. The parents have already undergone a trace element test, which shows no calcium deficiency. What tests are needed if there is a suspicion of low blood calcium? Is there a test called alkaline phosphatase? Is this test the same as the calcium in trace elements?
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