How to Treat Red Swelling in Children’s Tonsillitis

It is recommended to adopt appropriate medication treatment, such as antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs, combined with regional treatment methods like tonsil pocket irrigation or direct medication injection into the tonsil, which can alleviate pain and redness. If the main symptom is throat pain, consider painkillers; for fever, oral fever reducers can be taken. If symptoms persist or recur, it is advisable to seek medical attention and consider surgical treatment. During treatment, attention should be paid to maintaining dietary hygiene and ensuring sufficient rest.
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How to Treat Red Swelling in Children’s Tonsillitis

In treating such diseases, children can be given symptomatic antibiotic medications, and regional treatments can also be performed, including tonsil crypt irrigation, tonsil intravenous drug injection, laser therapy, and more. If the child primarily experiences throat pain, parents are advised to consider giving painkillers. For fever symptoms, antipyretic drugs can be taken. In severe cases, it is recommended to seek medical attention early and consider surgical treatment. At the same time, attention should be paid to reasonable dietary and sleep habits to promote recovery.
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How to Treat Red Swelling in Children’s Tonsillitis

The treatment for red swelling in children’s tonsillitis includes appropriate use of antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications, combined with regional treatments, painkillers to relieve throat pain, fever-reducing medication to lower temperature, considering surgical treatment, ensuring adequate rest, and eating more vegetables and fruits.
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How to Treat Swollen Throat in Children with Strep Throat for Better Effectiveness

Parents can give their child anti-inflammatory medication, perform regional treatments such as tonsil lavage or intravenous drug injections, administer painkillers as needed to relieve pain, take fever-reducing medicine for fever, seek medical attention as soon as possible in severe cases, and consider surgery if it recurs frequently. Keep warm and avoid catching a cold during treatment.
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How to Treat Tonsillitis and Sore Throat in Children

For a better treatment of tonsillitis, one can choose some symptomatic anti-inflammatory drugs under a doctor’s guidance. Besides systemic medication, regional treatment can also be performed, such as tonsil crypt irrigation or tonsil intramuscular injection. In cases of sore throat, painkillers can be administered to the child. If the child has a fever, it may be appropriate to consider taking antipyretics. However, if the fever persists, it is essential to seek medical attention promptly. In cases where inflammation recurs frequently, surgical treatment may be considered. During the treatment period, it is crucial to ensure the child’s warmth and avoid exacerbating symptoms by catching a cold.
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How to Treat Yellow Ear Drainage Caused by Pediatric Otitis Media?

This article introduces various treatment methods and medication options for yellow ear drainage caused by pediatric otitis media, including antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, regional treatment, painkillers, and more. It also discusses how to handle fever, frequent acute attacks, or tympanic membrane perforation, as well as post-treatment suggestions for boosting immunity.
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How to Treat Yellow Earwax in Children with Middle Ear Infection for the Best Effect?

The parents of a 3-year-old girl consult on how to effectively treat their child’s symptoms of itchy and painful ears, yellow earwax, and occasional low-grade fever. It is recommended to use appropriate antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications under a doctor’s guidance, along with regional anti-inflammatory treatments and symptom relief methods. Pay attention to the child’s rest and nutritional intake.
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