A 14-year-old girl is experiencing hallucinations and academic difficulties, raising concerns among her parents about possible hallucinosis or early signs of schizophrenia.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), also known as hyperkinetic syndrome, is a common behavioral abnormality in children. This article will introduce its symptoms, diagnosis, and impact.
The curability of mild ADHD depends on the age of onset and the severity of hyperactivity.
Epilepsy may affect a child’s brain development and intellectual growth.
The Relationship Between Schizophrenia and Genetics
If a child experiences side effects after taking clonazepam tablets, should the dosage be increased?
How to Help Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder?
The child has no phlegm and no pain, but has been diagnosed with symptoms of throat itching by respiratory and otolaryngology departments, but the symptoms have not been alleviated. How should one confirm a diagnosis of tic disorders?
A child who is one year and ten months old experiencing fear of loud shouting and a distorted expression should consider whether it is a minor seizure. If similar incidents occur again, it is recommended to use diazepam for treatment and seek a diagnosis and treatment at a specialized hospital.
Attention deficit is one of the main symptoms of ADHD. It manifests as difficulty concentrating, inability to pay attention in class, and being easily distracted by the environment. Frequently changing focus objects. Unable to concentrate fully while doing homework.