Are brain damage and Down syndrome the same?
3D ultrasound can assist in viewing if the fetus has neural tube defects, but the final diagnosis requires confirmation through amniocentesis.
The Process of Down Syndrome Screening and the Application of 3D Ultrasound
Is it possible to undergo a Down syndrome test at 24 weeks of pregnancy?
Is it still possible to undergo a Down syndrome test at the 19th week of pregnancy, and what considerations should be taken at this time.
A woman at 16 weeks pregnant asks whether she can still undergo a Down syndrome screening when pregnant with twins, and what other tests can be used to determine if the baby is normal.
Causes and Prevention of 21-Body Chromosome Abnormalities
Both partners’ chromosomes before pregnancy are only preliminary screenings with karyotypes, which cannot detect minor chromosome abnormalities.
How to Select the Appropriate Hospital for Down Syndrome Screening?
During prenatal testing, how can you understand the results of early screening for Down syndrome?