Understanding the appropriate dosage of calcium supplementation for premature infants and how to avoid the potential negative effects of excessive calcium intake on their health.
Understand the reasons and coping strategies for drowsiness in premature infants after vaccination.
Understand the early signs of cerebral palsy in premature infants, and how to make initial assessments and seek professional medical assistance.
Learn about how to improve the prognosis and treatment methods for premature infants.
Understand the important considerations during the transition of premature infants to new formula milk to ensure a healthy transition for the baby.
The child was born with a low birth weight, developed red spots, and vomited, prompting the question of whether it’s suitable to receive the DPT vaccine before the age of two.
Premature infants may have elevated white blood cell counts at birth, which return to normal after the first month. This could be due to vitamin deficiencies or a lack of trace elements. Supplements like multivitamins or 21st Century Vitamins can be effective, along with increased water intake and a diet rich in vegetables and fruits to improve symptoms.
Small hard lumps in premature infants’ breasts may be subcutaneous fibromas or lipomas, and should be diagnosed and treated promptly.
Intrauterine hypoxia may lead to central nervous system damage in premature infants, causing seizures. Immediate medical treatment is required.
Discuss the treatment measures and complementary feeding suggestions for physiological anemia in premature infants.