Explore the possible causes of skin necrosis in a four-year-old boy after urethroplasty and its potential impacts on future surgeries.
What potential complications can arise from a tonsillectomy?
Discussing strategies and treatment recommendations for dealing with abnormal gait in children after hydrocephalus drainage surgery.
Inquire about the situation of parotid duct leakage after the removal of a postauricular cyst, as well as potential future issues with the parotid gland and necessary assistance.
If a child experiences urinary fistula after urethroplasty, it is essential to seek medical treatment promptly to ensure the child’s physical and mental health.
Postoperative complications and preventive measures after adenoid hypertrophy surgery
Discuss the possible causes and recommendations for a 78-year-old male experiencing a full bladder but inability to urinate after a hernia repair surgery.
After meningioma surgery, the patient experienced optic nerve atrophy and received timely treatment, yet the effectiveness was not apparent. Currently, the patient is seeking assistance from traditional Chinese medicine and hoping to receive recommendations from domestic expert traditional Chinese medicine hospitals.
Explore the causes and treatment methods of pediatric intestinal adhesions, including conservative treatment and dietary adjustments.
The most common postoperative complications of urethral cleft include ectopic urethral orifice, penile curvature, abnormal distribution of foreskin, cryptorchidism, inguinal hernia, and hydrocele.