What Causes Fever in Children with Pneumonia?

If a child experiences pneumonia accompanied by fever again, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a routine check-up promptly to predict the situation, and to adopt symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication for timely treatment to alleviate symptoms. At the same time, it is suggested that the baby should consume a lot of light and easy-to-digest food, and can be complemented by physical nebulization, all of which are part of the treatment. Frequent recurrence of pneumonia is mainly due to a decline in immunity.
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What Fruits and Vegetables Can Children With Pneumonia Eat?

During pneumonia, children should have light and easy-to-digest meals, drink plenty of water to maintain smooth bowel movements. After the fever subsides, they can consume lung-nourishing and throat-soothing foods and proteins, such as milk, eggs, fish soup, lean meat soup, and loofah. Avoid spicy and hot foods to prevent heat and phlegm formation.
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