Can My Child Take Pediatric Lung Heat Cough and Wheezing Medicine for a Cough?

Can my child take pediatric lung heat cough and wheezing medicine for a cough? My child was diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia and received intravenous treatment in the hospital on the 19th of this month due to fever and cough. The coughing subsided, and the fever went away. The doctor said after the diagnosis on the 25th that we could stop coming after today’s treatment, but the child developed a fever again in the afternoon and was admitted to the hospital for check-up. After blood and urine tests, it was diagnosed as a cold (due to an elderly person at home with viral influenza). From the 26th, we continued to administer ceftriaxone intravenously. The child’s fever subsided yesterday, and the doctor said not to come back anymore to avoid cross-infection. At home, we took cefprozil granules and pediatric lung heat cough and wheezing medicine. The current situation is that the child’s fever has subsided, but they keep sneezing, have a runny nose, and continue to cough. However, they are in good spirits and have good appetite.
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