38 Weeks Pregnant, Is the Placenta Grade Normal?At 38 weeks pregnant, the placenta grade is three, is this normal?FAQ Pregnancy PlacentaOne minute to read
Can Babies Eat Placenta?Is placenta suitable for babies to consume, and the importance of normal diet for babies.FAQ Nutrition and Health Placenta ImmunityOne minute to read
Causes of Premature Placental MaturationGenerally, the placental maturity level exceeds 2-3 grades only after the fetus is full-term. Premature placental maturation may affect the fetus’s growth and development.FAQ Placenta Premature Maturation Pregnancy Ultrasound2 minutes to read
The Issue of Babies Eating PlacentaInquire about the potential adverse effects of babies eating placenta and how to seek assistanceFAQ Baby Health PlacentaOne minute to read