Persistent Cough with Phlegm in Children

Children experiencing persistent cough with phlegm, reduced appetite, poor sleep, increased weight, normal bowel movements, lasting for a year. Previous treatments with various medications ineffective, seeking alternative remedies or treatment suggestions.
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Seven-Month-Old Baby Coughing with Phlegm Followed by Clear Nose Discharge

A seven-month-old baby is experiencing cough with phlegm, followed by clear nose discharge. Appetite has decreased, and coughing is pronounced, with occasional large amounts of phlegm. Severe coughing at night affects deep sleep quality. How to handle and provide nursing suggestions?
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What Should a Child with Cough and Phlegm Eat?

When a child has a cough with phlegm, certain measures can be taken to alleviate symptoms. Firstly, offering the child warm water or warm honey water can help thin out the phlegm and promote its expulsion. Additionally, it’s advisable to give them light and easily digestible foods, avoiding overly greasy or spicy dishes that might irritate the respiratory tract and exacerbate coughing. If symptoms are severe, it is recommended to seek medical attention promptly and follow the doctor’s advice for medication treatment.
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What Should Be Done When a Child Has Cough and Much Phlegm?

When a child has a cough with much phlegm, consider using some Chinese patent medicines with clearing lung and dissolving phlegm effects, such as Daren Tang Qingfei Xiangyan, along with adjusting lifestyle habits such as drinking more water, eating light diet, and avoiding fried foods and spicy ingredients.
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