A 3-year-old baby has had a fever for three days, reaching 38.9°C. The fever subsided after taking antipyretics, but it returned a few hours later. The baby’s lips and tongue are red. The doctor said the tongue is also red, and blood tests were conducted at the hospital, resulting in prescriptions for pediatric Yin Chiao Clear Heat Granules and Bai Rui Granules. The exact cause is not yet clear, and the parents are seeking advice on how to handle the situation.
A 3-year-old baby has a low fever but isn’t feeling well and often cries. How can this be handled?
A 3-year-old boy has been experiencing uneven hip sizes for about a year. He has had an X-ray at a local top-tier hospital, which showed no abnormalities, but his parents are worried that the issue has not been resolved, and they inquire about which department to visit for further diagnosis.
How should one handle a 3-year-old boy’s persistent cough and loss of appetite?
A 3-year-old boy has a tight and small scrotum, making it impossible to see the testicles. This was not the case when he was younger. He has had a hernia operation. What could be the cause of this? Is this normal, or is it a sign of hidden cryptorchidism?
A 3-year-old child experiences itching on the palms of their hands and feet, and between their fingers and toes, especially at night. There are also rice-grain-sized bumps on the back of their feet, which have been persisting for over a month.
A 3.5-year-old child’s cough and IV treatment have not improved; it is recommended to use cough medicine and antibacterial drugs for treatment.
A 36-day-old baby was advised by the doctor to stop breastfeeding for 3 days due to jaundice. But what about nighttime feeding when the baby needs to be fed to fall asleep… Otherwise, the crying is incredibly loud, and no amount of soothing can get them to sleep.
High jaundice in infants, parents seek solutions
A baby born via cesarean section at 38 weeks with neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, now two months and 20 days old, has an unstable neck and responds slowly to sounds, but can be amused. Will this affect intellectual development?