Can Pentalia Be Treated?

A child has been diagnosed with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, and the parents are concerned about the impact of the disease on the child’s future and the treatment methods available.
2 minutes to read

Can Post-Injury Treatment Be Undergone for Children with Polio?

Can post-injury treatment be undergone for children with polio? I am 56 years old, treated in 1982, and have had difficulty walking for the past two years. My left leg is weak, and I have to support it with my left hand while walking, which is particularly tiring. Can I still undergo surgery, acupuncture, or physical therapy for treatment?
One minute to read

Can Surgery Be Performed for Short Tongue Tie?

My daughter is nine years old, and I discovered she had a short tongue tie issue when she was young. However, now she speaks unclearly and it seems like she’s talking with something in her mouth. After consulting with the dentist at the hospital’s oral department, she was told that surgery is needed. But I’m worried about the risks of surgery, what should I do?
One minute to read

Can You Boil and Drink Red Jujube, Bamboo Leaves, and Seed Grains Together?

These herbs can be consumed together, offering antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-aging benefits. They protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health and boost the body’s immunity. Bamboo leaf water is rich in flavonoids, especially effective against Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli. It also has properties to combat fatigue, calm the mind, promote diuresis, cool the body, and reduce inflammation. However, the prescription you’ve mentioned seems unconventional. If you’re considering taking traditional Chinese medicine, it’s advisable to consult a hospital.
One minute to read

Can You Eat Spoiled Chicken Soup?

Chicken soup, whether it’s the broth or the chicken meat, is very nutritious. If the chicken meat is fresh and hasn’t gone bad, chewing it repeatedly in your mouth will definitely become sour over time, which is a normal phenomenon. Of course, it’s safe to eat. We should maintain a light, balanced, diverse, fresh, and easy-to-digest diet, avoiding heavy meats. This is beneficial for your health. Eating spoiled food is prohibited as it can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.
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