What to Do About White Dots on the Palm?

Red and white alternating on the palm, definitely not liver disease, at most a Qi and blood issue. Hope you don’t worry too much. You can have a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner take your pulse. If there is a liver problem, the base of the fingers will show pinkish blush spots that fade under pressure. The appearance of this condition on the palm is generally due to seasonal reasons and the red and white colors. This is a situation formed by the intertwining of blood vessels and fat in the palm, not a symptom of liver disease such as liver palms and spider angiomas.
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What to Do If a 2-Year-Old Child Doesn’t Like to Eat?

Our baby has been having trouble eating since he was two, and he is very thin. Lately, he often feels dry heaves while eating and has no appetite. After seeing a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, it was found that his spleen and stomach are not in good condition. I want to use traditional Chinese medicine for treatment, is it okay?
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What to Do If a 27-Month-Old Child Can’t Speak

My 27-month-old son still can’t speak and only knows a few words. The MRI report showed ‘abnormal signals in the posterior horns of the lateral ventricles,’ what does this mean? What impact does this have on the child? Is it related to his inability to speak?
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What to Do If a 3-Month-Old Baby’s Head Shape Isn’t Right

A 3-month-old baby has an uneven head shape. There’s a noticeable bump. Should you leave it alone, place a pillow underneath, or wait until the baby learns to crawl and the bump goes down on its own? As shown in Figure 3, as long as the head shape isn’t tilted, the bump on the back of the head doesn’t require special attention. It will gradually flatten with age! Always alternate sleeping on both sides during sleep or lie flat. The purpose is not to let the head shape become uneven. The baby’s head shape is quite good, and the bump that has appeared is also normal. It seems that the baby is now less likely to sleep on its back, and the head shape will gradually become round. So there’s no need to worry too much; just let nature take its course.
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What to Do If a 4-Year-Old Child Accidentally Ingests Two Celcoxib Capsules?

Based on your description, if a 4-year-old child accidentally ingests two celcoxib capsules, it is recommended to have the child drink plenty of water to promote the metabolism of the medication. If necessary, you can administer an enema. The main side effects of this capsule are gastrointestinal, so primarily observe for symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. If there are any abnormalities, it is suggested to seek medical attention promptly. Parents should also take precautions to keep medications in a safe place.
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