What Should My Child Eat to Gain Weight?

My child has had a poor stomach since childhood and doesn’t gain weight no matter what he eats. What should I do? Seeing other children like little tigers, and the doctor said they are lacking in calcium. So, I’ve bought calcium supplements like South Coast Man Calcium, bottled calcium tablets, immune-boosting colostrum, baby weight-gain pills, etc., for him to take, but he still doesn’t gain weight.
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What Should You Do About Your Baby’s Penile Skin Flakes?

My baby is two years old, and around the age of one, I noticed a small white bump on his genitals! The doctor told me it was penile skin flakes and to keep an eye on it. But recently, a small hole has appeared on the white hard lump, and white liquid has leaked out! I tried gently squeezing, but nothing came out, only a white bump!
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What Should You Do If a Child Suddenly Loses Consciousness?

A 10-month-old baby suddenly lost consciousness after waking up from a nap, lasting less than a minute (with the whole body becoming limp). Half an hour later, the baby fell into a coma, with the eyes rolling out and lips slightly purple. Subsequently, the baby developed a high fever of 38 degrees. After a week of hospitalization, the stool examination showed no abnormalities, but the iron deficiency was severe. Is this related to the illness?
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What Should You Do If a Hormone-Induced Overweight Girl Child Refuses to Go to School?

A seven and a half-year-old girl is undergoing hormone treatment for optic neuritis. She is now always afraid of being teased by classmates about her weight, so she dares not go to school. At home, while doing homework, she sometimes gets angry and, in severe cases, doesn’t even know how to perform simple addition and subtraction within ten. What should parents do if they accompany her to school?
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What Should You Do If Lead Levels Are High?

Changing bad habits or dietary routines can also help in the excretion of lead, such as frequently washing hands, regular household cleaning, and reducing the intake of lead-containing foods. Minimizing the use of lead-containing kitchenware, food containers, paint, dyes, cosmetics, and glazed ceramics at home is also recommended. Moreover, adjusting the dietary structure can also resist the toxic harm of lead. Nutrition experts introduce that vegetables and fruits can help excrete lead because these natural plants contain not only a rich supply of basic nutrients such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals but also a variety of non-nutrient bioactive substances. These substances protect plants from the ravages of sunlight and ensure their survival.
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