What Should I Do About Being Charged for a Second Blood Draw?

During my hospital stay, I had already undergone a four-tube blood test. The next day, the doctor informed me that the blood sample was (unqualified) and needed to be redrawn. I want to know why I’m being charged for the second blood draw? Theoretically, a redraw should not incur additional fees. Should I complain to the laboratory department?
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What Should I Do If My Child Has Been Scared?

Children have poor regulation of their bodily functions and are prone to being scared. After being scared, children may experience symptoms such as crying, loss of appetite, low fever, and drowsiness. Parents should strengthen their child’s care, communicate more with their child, and provide a sense of security. Use toys to distract the child’s attention, and if the symptoms are severe, such as drowsiness, consider giving the child a calming pill and make sure to give them plenty of plain water.
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