What Medication Should Be Used After a Child’s Burn?

Burn wound treatment requires preventing infection and promoting healing. It is recommended to seek treatment at a regular professional hospital, where the burn area can be disinfected and cleaned, blisters can be removed and fluid drained, and the skin flap retained to protect the wound. After a burn, due to skin damage, the regional barrier function is compromised, making it easy to cause infection, deepen the wound, and prolong healing time.
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What Medicine Should I Give My Child for a Cough?

Based on the patient’s simple cough, it is recommended to check blood routine and chest X-rays. If necessary, anti-inflammatory medication such as azithromycin and cough treatment medication such as propyphenazone should be administered. Pay attention to diet and care. For fever, the following symptomatic treatment is suggested: give the child plenty of water, ensure adequate rest, and avoid spicy foods.
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