What Causes Seizures After a Child Falls Out of Bed?

An eight-month-old baby accidentally fell out of bed and experienced a brief seizure, which may be due to brain injury. If the baby shows symptoms such as poor mental state, drowsiness, loss of appetite, irritability, and even seizures, it is necessary to be vigilant about the possibility of skull and brain injury. It is recommended to take the child to the hospital for a brain CT scan to rule out organic changes. In the meantime, closely observe for symptoms such as headaches and vomiting.
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What Causes Umbilical Hernia?

I recently noticed that my belly button is red, swollen, has an unpleasant smell, itches slightly, and is slightly painful. There’s a yellow pus-like substance inside. The doctor said I have umbilical hernia. Umbilical hernia is caused by the warmth and moisture of the umbilical cord. It breeds many bacteria inside. When the internal environment is suitable for bacterial growth, such as a ‘messy’ environment, or when the skin inside is slightly damaged during a bath, this can trigger a more severe inflammatory response. Treatment is not difficult; you can use 75% alcohol to wipe twice a day in the morning and evening. Usually, it heals after a few applications. If the inflammation is severe, it can be treated with oral medication in conjunction with alcohol, which can be cured quickly.
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What Causes Wrist joint Pain in Children?

For three consecutive nights, the child complained of wrist pain before bedtime, insisting on a vigorous massage from an adult to fall asleep. They have also mentioned dizziness before bedtime before, being reluctant to sleep and preferring to play. What would be the manifestations of a regional epilepsy seizure?
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