What Are the Symptoms of a Fetal Hernia?

My child is 9 months old and their belly has started to swell, and they are constantly crying and fussing. I suspect it might be a hernia. I would like to know what the symptoms of a fetal hernia are and what the recommended treatment methods are.
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What Are the Symptoms of Bile Duct Obstruction?

A newborn baby, shortly after birth, developed symptoms of jaundice all over the body, accompanied by constant crying and fussiness. Hospital examination revealed it to be caused by bile duct obstruction. Bile duct obstruction is characterized by persistent jaundice after birth, which can be slightly relieved by blue light therapy, followed by more pronounced yellowing and abnormal liver function transaminases. The best time for treatment is within 60 days after birth; beyond 60 days, liver fibrosis becomes irreversible. Treatment for bile duct obstruction through surgery means that some liver fibrosis will no longer progress, while some will still progress.
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What Are the Symptoms of Dehydration?

Dehydration refers to a reduction in the body’s fluid volume or an imbalance in the distribution of fluids in various parts of the body, leading to a decrease in effective circulation. Clinically, various systemic symptoms may occur, such as poor skin elasticity, sunken eye sockets, nausea, vomiting, decreased urine output, fatigue, dizziness, and even coma. It usually requires correction of blood volume and electrolytes. It is recommended that you do not self-medicate at small clinics; instead, go to a regular hospital for blood and biochemical tests to confirm the diagnosis before treatment.
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What Are the Symptoms of Pediatric Cryptorchidism?

Pediatric cryptorchidism is a common pediatric surgical condition, characterized by symptoms such as abnormal scrotum and insufficient testicles. This article introduces the symptoms, treatment timing, surgical costs, and other related issues of pediatric cryptorchidism.
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What Are the Symptoms of Pediatric Tracheal Foreign Bodies?

My child has been coughing for five months, during which time they have had two episodes of tracheal pneumonia. Now the pneumonia is gone, but they still cough in the morning, afternoon, and evening every day, sometimes with hollow coughs. I want to ask the doctor if there might be a foreign object in the trachea?
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