What Are the Impacts of Early Puberty in Children?

My child is 7 years old this year, and recently I noticed some hard lumps in their breasts, which are slightly painful to the touch. I took them to the local hospital, and the doctor said they are developing. At such a young age, what should I do? Based on the described situation, this appears to be a sign of precocious puberty. Precocious puberty refers to the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics before the age of sexual development, including breast development, the appearance of pubic and armpit hair, rapid growth in height and weight, and the development of external genitalia. It is generally believed that girls can be diagnosed with precocious puberty if they develop secondary sexual characteristics before the age of 8 or if they start menstruating before the age of 10. In boys, the onset of puberty can be diagnosed before the age of 10. Further examination is needed to determine whether it is true precocious puberty or pseudo-precocious puberty.
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What Are the Possible Causes of Frequent Urination?

An 8-year-old girl experiences frequent urination during summer, needing to use the bathroom every few minutes. She does not wet the bed at night. Urinalysis is normal, and a psychological consultation suggests it might be related to the nervous system. What could be the possible causes?
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What are the Postoperative Nursing Methods After Surgery?

If a child has already undergone a hernia operation, there are also many nursing considerations afterward, as the hernia may recur. Therefore, after surgery, it is imperative not to let the child engage in any severe exercise, nor should they run or jump, as these activities are off-limits. Moreover, post-surgery, the child should also avoid crying or being overly upset.
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What are the Recommendations for Preterm Infant Brain Development Issues?

My baby was born at 35+2 weeks, weighing 6 jin and 1 liang. After three days in the intensive care unit, a brain CT scan was performed on the fourth day, and the doctor said there was poor brain development. According to the description, it is an underdeveloped central motor disorder, such as sitting and standing, as well as fine motor skills like grip. These children may also have intellectual disability, seizures, hearing and vision impairments, incorrect posture such as straight legs and scissor gait, and abnormal neurological reflexes. Most of these children are premature infants. It is recommended that you seek professional treatment and rehabilitation at the best three-level hospital to help your baby develop better.
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What Are the Swelling Symptoms After a Horse Bite on the Thigh?

Nine days ago, the inner side of the left thigh root was bitten by a horse, but there was no skin breakage through the clothes. Two days after the bite, severe bruising began to appear, with a large area and various colors, but no swelling. The doctor advised to pay close attention to the situation and to seek treatment at the local regular hospital’s infectious disease department. Avoid spicy and stimulating foods in the diet, drink plenty of water. You can also use anti-inflammatory and blood circulation herbs under the guidance of your attending physician.
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