What Are the Characteristics of a 4-Month-Old Baby?

When tickling the baby, not only does it smile, but it also emits loud laughter, showing interest in its own voice, repeating single syllables continuously. When supported in a sitting position, the baby can hold its head up; when crawling, it can lift its head, forming a 90-degree angle with the bed’s surface, and it enjoys playing with clothes. It shows interest in all objects around the crib, attempting to grab and touch them. As the baby’s physique continues to grow, its nervous system and psychology are also rapidly developing. For instance, it can lift its head while lying on its stomach, can roll over, and can sit for a while at 6 months old; it enjoys playing with its hands together; it has started teething and has preferences for favorite foods; it can clearly pronounce some syllables; it can recognize Mom among a crowd, is afraid of strangers, and begins to feel shy.
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What Are the Common Situations of Thinness in Children?

There are many reasons for a child’s thinness, which could be due to insufficient nutrition intake, excessive body expenditure, or anemia. It is recommended to visit a hospital for a physical examination to identify the cause and follow the doctor’s advice to take measures. Adequate sleep is very important for a child’s growth and development.
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What Are the Dangers of Drinking Lime Water?

Lime water can irritate the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, potentially leading to gastric ulcers. It is recommended to drink a small amount of vinegar to neutralize the alkalinity if the amount consumed is not significant. If a large amount is consumed, vomiting should be induced. If vomiting is unsuccessful, medical attention should be sought immediately for gastric lavage treatment to prevent harm to the body.
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