Is My Daughter Suffering from a Blood Disease?

My daughter is 12 years old and has recently been experiencing pale complexion and weakness in her limbs. Blood test results show 8.3% monocytes, hemoglobin level of 66g/l, total red blood cell count of 2.77, red blood cell hematocrit of 0.187L/L, etc. What could be the issue? How should it be treated?
2 minutes to read

Is the Sunburn Right or Wrong?

Returning home with skin that’s red and feels like it’s been scalded, with a burning sensation, making it uncomfortable to sleep on the bed. Besides sunscreen, what are some simple ways to relieve this pain?
One minute to read

Is There a Cure for This Level of Autism Spectrum Disorder?

The behavior of a 4-year-old boy should be considered for the possibility of childhood autism. This is a subtype of a broad developmental disorder that is common in males, beginning in infancy. The main symptoms include language development disorders, interpersonal communication difficulties, narrow interests, and rigid behavior. Attention should be paid to the educational methods, using ways that children can understand and accompany. Parents should create a good family environment, allowing children to feel the warmth of the family, and not pass on negative emotions from adults to children. Every time a child responds and expresses themselves, they should be timely cared for and encouraged, gradually increasing the willingness to communicate.
One minute to read