Is It Normal for a Newborn Baby to Have Both Feet Pointing Upward?

During pregnancy, factors such as the fetus’s position, the amount of amniotic fluid, the number of fetuses, the size of the fetus itself, and the pressure phenomenon may affect the deformed leg shape of the fetus. After birth, the baby will have a height of two feet. Parents should always pay attention to the shape of the baby’s feet. Natural observation is more important than anything else to determine if there are any abnormalities for the first time, ‘Only if there is an error, or if it is sent to a pediatric specialist, is that the correct method.’
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Is It Okay to Feed My Baby Complementary Foods?

My baby is a little over 4 months old, and I have started introducing complementary foods for her. I heard that cornmeal is quite nutritious, so I added cornmeal porridge with sugar to her diet. Is it okay to feed her this way? Will it cause diarrhea? What is the recommended order and suggestions for introducing complementary foods?
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Is It Safe for Infants to Take Lactobacillus?

The baby has a bowel movement every two days, with the stool initially sticky and then loose, yellow in color. It often passes gas. Family members say the baby has a bloated stomach, and they suggest giving the baby medication. However, I am worried about adverse reactions and haven’t given it to him yet. Additionally, the baby has thrush and umbilical hernia. What medication should I give the baby? How can I determine if the baby has a bloated stomach?
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Is It Suitable for a Three-Year-Old Child to Take Laxative Solutions?

It is advised not to take them. For a three-year-old child with constipation, first, we need to ensure an adequate intake of vegetables every day, and secondly, develop the habit of regular bowel movements. Pediatric constipation can be divided into two major categories: functional constipation and organic constipation. Functional constipation is the most common in clinical practice, accounting for 95% of pediatric constipation. Constipation is closely related to dietary structure, and it is recommended to improve those bad habits as much as possible.
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