Is It Good for Children to Drink Fresh Milk?

Babies under three years old have incomplete digestion and absorption functions and should drink formula milk. At four years old, children can drink packaged growth milk, and if the economic conditions allow, drinking formula milk is certainly better. Formula milk has a more comprehensive range of nutritional components. If the baby drinks packaged milk, it should not be heated directly; instead, it can be removed and heated in the microwave. Although growing children need more protein and calcium, too much supply or supplying them in a state where nutrients have lost their vitality is not good. Drinking too much milk can lead to a loss of appetite for nutritious meals. They may gain weight and grow, but due to an imbalanced diet, the nutrients they absorb are also unbalanced.
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Is It Normal for a 3-Year-Old and 10-Month-Old to Only Be Able to Speak 5 or 6 Words?

Based on the description of the child’s situation, a 3-year-old baby in October can only speak a maximum of 5.6 words. It is understandable that the baby’s expression of commands is not good, and the baby may experience language disorders. It is recommended to take the baby to the hospital for a check-up. Suggestions include reasonable feeding, more sun exposure, supplementation with vad drops, regular monitoring of the baby’s growth and development, and more communication and participation in group activities with the child.
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Is It Normal for a 3-Year-Old Boy to Speak So Little?

My child has been experiencing this situation for a long time, and I am very worried. The 3-year-old boy speaks very little, please help. If you are worried, you can check if there are any issues with the child’s hearing and mouth. If they are normal, just having more patience in communicating with the child can stimulate brain development. It’s possible that the baby’s language center is developing later. As long as there are no issues with hearing and understanding, they will get better as they grow older. I suggest not to worry, spend more time with the child when you have the chance, communicate more with them, recite ancient poems, tell stories, and it will gradually get better. Rest assured!
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