How to Handle Nightmares in Children?

Children experiencing nightmares at night may be due to excessive mental activity before sleep, causing subconscious fear. It is recommended to pay attention to balanced diet, avoid bad stimulation, maintain good sleeping posture, and provide appropriate psychological comfort. Parents are advised to take their child for an EEG examination to understand the specific cause and monitor the child’s sleep condition. Checking for trace elements and blood lead, cadmium levels is also an option.
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How to Handle Poor Vision in Children?

It is recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions and provide the first child with glasses. Especially for general doctors who prescribe glasses, the size, fit, and weight of the frames should be appropriate. Of course, if the parents are severely myopic, then such a child’s myopia may be related to genetics; if not related to genetics, then laser eye surgery can be performed on the child when they are around 18 or 19 years old.
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How to Handle Slow Tooth Eruption in Children?

The timing of tooth eruption varies for each baby, generally starting around 6 months. However, some babies may not begin to erupt teeth until nearly a year old. If no teeth appear by 12 months, it may be necessary to consider endocrine diseases or rickets due to vitamin D deficiency.
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