How to Handle G6PD Deficiency?

Sickle cell disease is a common term for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in red blood cells, a genetic disorder. This article explains the causes and treatment methods of G6PD deficiency.
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How to Handle Irregular Eating, Drinking, Defecation and Urination Starting from 30 Days Old?

When eating, drinking, defecation, and urination become irregular from 30 days old, it may be necessary to use digestive aids in moderation, such as probiotics, intestinal health products, and lactic acid bacteria tablets, and to apply a belly button patch. Babies have initially formed their own sleep, feeding, and defecation routines and habits. Some babies can already sleep for 4 to 6 hours at night, but there are significant differences between babies. Some babies still need to be fed 2 to 3 times at night by their mothers. Especially for breastfed babies, the feeding interval is shorter because breast milk is easier to digest. Each child has different habits; as long as the child is developing well, there is generally no problem.
One minute to read

How to Handle Language Expression Difficulties in Young Children?

A three-year-old baby can only say a few simple words like ‘mom’, ‘dad’, and ‘hit’. They understand what they want but don’t speak, and they don’t call for help when they need to go to the bathroom. They often soil their pants. The child had a brain CT scan last year, and there were no issues. How should one deal with language expression difficulties in young children?
2 minutes to read