How to Handle Breast Milk Storage Issues?

If the baby can’t finish a bottle in one go, it’s best to store two extra bottles. Never put the unfinished milk back in the refrigerator. If the milk is taken out of the fridge, warmed, and then not consumed, it’s put back in the fridge again, this accelerates the spoilage rate of the milk. Therefore, it’s recommended to warm only what the baby drinks, generally keeping its quality for about four to five hours. If stored at room temperature, it’s best to finish it within two hours to ensure it doesn’t affect the nutritional content of the breast milk.
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How to Handle Discomfort After Thymoma Surgery

My mother experienced chest discomfort, nausea, and a constant urge to vomit after 25 days of postoperative radiotherapy. She also frequently lacks appetite and feels a sensation of something stuck at the base of her throat, like the top layer of a peeled potato, with a sticky feeling on top.
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How to Handle Elevated White Blood Cell Counts

An elevated white blood cell count in blood tests may indicate an upper respiratory infection caused by bacterial infection. Monitor temperature changes and follow medical advice for treatment if necessary. If only the white blood cell count is elevated without other discomfort, no treatment is needed. It is recommended to follow up and recheck the blood test.
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