How Long Will a Person Live If They Have Jaundice Hepatitis and Yellow Skin, with Pain in the Liver Area?

Jaundice hepatitis is definitely serious, but it is also a disease that can be cured. There is no need to worry too much. If the patient does not actively treat this condition, it will definitely affect their lifespan, and there is a possibility of rapid deterioration of the condition, with some patients not surviving more than a few months. However, once treated, there is little to no impact on their life.
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How Much Does a Trace Element Test Cost?

The cost of trace elements should vary according to local prices, with tests typically involving hair and blood analysis. Trace element tests are generally conducted through blood tests from the fingertips, usually including calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, iron, copper, and tin. If a child lacks a certain trace element, it is important to supplement it promptly to avoid affecting their growth and development. For example, a lack of calcium can lead to poor tooth development, night sweats, and restless sleep; a lack of zinc can cause poor appetite and picky eating; prolonged iron deficiency can lead to iron-deficiency anemia, causing dizziness and decreased immunity.
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How Much Umbilical Cord Blood Flow Is Normal?

The normal value of umbilical cord blood flow is related to the gestational weeks. At 24 weeks, the average is 3.5, and the maximum should not exceed 4.25. After 28 weeks, the value should be less than 3; if it exceeds, it is considered abnormal. Umbilical cord blood contains hematopoietic stem cells that can be used to reconstruct the blood and immune system, treat leukemia, and other genetic diseases related to blood and the immune system, and can store about 80 milliliters.
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How Severe is Brain Vascular Malformation?

Brain vascular malformations include arteriovenous malformations, venous vascular malformations, and cavernous angiomas, among others. If a brain vascular malformation is detected, it is crucial to first determine the specific type of malformation and it is recommended to seek treatment at a regular professional hospital. Clinically, recurrent bleeding may occur, presenting with symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, hemiplegia, speech impairment, and vertigo. The severity depends on the situation, and it is advised to undergo examination and treatment at a top-tier hospital.
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